Thai Rice Dish Recipes
Rice forms the foundation of Thai meals. In Thai, the phrase "keen khao" colloquially means "let's eat" but it literally translates to "eat rice", signifying the importance of rice in Thai cuisine. Most Thai meals are served with jasmine rice or sticky rice. Here you'll find recipes for rice dishes such as Thai fried rice, rice porridge, and even Thai-style chicken and rice.
Thai Rice Soup (Khao Tom)
Green Curry Fried Rice
Red Pork with Rice | Khao Moo Dang | ข้าวหมูแดง
Chicken Fried Rice | Khao Pad Gai | ข้าวผัดไก่
Thai Fried Rice | Khao Pad | ข้าวผัด
Thai Basil Chicken Fried Rice | Khao Pad Horapa | ข้าวผัดโหระพา
Thai Crab Fried Rice | Khao Pad Bu | ข้าวผัดปู
Holy Basil Fried Rice | Khao Pad Kra Pao | ข้าวผัดกระเพรา
Jok (Thai Rice Porridge)
Thai-Style Chicken and Rice | Khao Man Gai | ข้าวมันไก่