Thai Vegetable Recipes
These Thai vegetable dishes are full of flavor and sure to please even the most hesitant vegetable eaters! Stir fried veggie dishes are commonly served as part of the main meal in Thailand. They are often stir fried with garlic, savory seasoning sauces, and perhaps chilis like in Pad Pak and Pak Boong Fai Dang. Vegetables can also be stir fried with a curry paste like in Pad Prik King.
Stirfried Water Spinach | Pak Boong Fai Dang | ผัดผักบุ้ง
Chinese Chives with Tofu | Pad Daug Gui Chai | ผัดดอกกุ้ยช่าย
Stirfried Mixed Vegetables | Pad Pak Ruam Mit | ผัดผักรวมมิตร
Stirfried Bamboo Shoots | Pad Ped Naw Mai Moo Sap | ผัดเผ็ดหน่อไม้หมูสับ
Stir Fried Pork with Chili Paste | Pad Prik Khing | ผัดพริกขิง
Bok Choy with Crispy Pork | Pad Pak Moo Grob | ผัดผักหมูกรอบ
Loofah with Kaffir Lime Leaves | Pad Buap Liyam | ผัดบวบเหลี่ยม